Monday, February 13, 2012

A non-writer's attempt at poetry.

Windy Lullabies

The wind came rushing into the night.

It catapulted across the chimney tops, sucking away their smoky breath with a gasp.

It swept across the porches, setting rockers in motion and snapping flags to attention.

It bent the leafless trees into submission as their gnarly fingers clawed for a hold in a blackboard sky.

It robbed me of sleep as I listened to the bumps and whistles and creaks and groans.

It disturbed you and turned you in your sleep to face me.

The gentle wind of your breath blew across my face.

It overpowered the boisterous wind outside.

It brought me back to the peace of us.

It wrapped me in gentleness.

The wind went gently into my dreams.

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