Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Garden Update

The Ranunculus was a surprise for Sandy whose favorite color is yellow. She created this planter arrangement.
The little gnome's lantern doesn't compare to the brightness of these pansies and violas.

This is the second planting of Lantana. The frost did a number on the first but I think they will make a comeback.

Look in the center of this picture for a sphynx moth that I have tentatively identified as a humming bird moth using this link.
After fits and spurts with late season frosts, the garden and yard are looking good. We thought we had lost 3 tomato plants but I left them in place and planted replacements. Now the originals are growing and have almost caught up with the new plants. There should be plenty to share.
Thinning the beets gave us our first taste of fresh vegetables when we added the tops to a salad.

Growing in this small space challenges my engrained experiences of planting in rows with spaces between for cultivation with a tractor. I'm thinking that square foot gardening may be the best way to go.

We created a new flower bed along the driveway with coleus and snapdragons. It looks like last night's frost may have gotten a few of them. It's hard to believe a frost this late. I'll post some pictures of it after the plants have gotten a little bigger. Hope you enjoy these pictures.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bird Cam

For Christmas, my children gave me a camera that mounts outside near a bird feeder to automatically take pictures. I mounted it yesterday afternoon near a hummingbird feeder and was pleasantly surprised to find it had taken a couple of fairly good pictures. I need to tweek it a bit and practice the set up and focus but not bad for the first time.

There might actually be a humming bird in this one.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Top of Mt. Le Conte

Hold onto your hats! Note the gentleman's arm on the very left edge of this photo. He is holding an anemometer that measured the wind gusts at 39 mph.