Monday, September 05, 2005

Project: Water Line

Today Bette Ann and I put on our ditch digger hats and proceeded to dig a trench for a new incoming water line. The idea is to replace the rotten galvanized pipe from the meter and through out the house.
From the meter to the house is 22' and we went down about 2' until we found the old water line and followed it to the foundation of the house. An old concrete block flower bed had to be knocked down and there was one tangled mass of tree roots that I finally gave up on for today. All that's left is a bit of leveling and tamping in the trench and getting under the tree roots.
The tree is an old dog wood that was dead when I moved here and all that's left of it is five or so feet of stump. I just never got around to cutting it the rest of the way down but even if I had, the roots would still be there.
I don't have a muscle that doesn't ache and it will be worse in the morning. Aleve to the rescue--I hope.

1 comment:

Tom Freeman said...

TypePad spam defences breached.
Threadwatch reports that trackback spammers have found a way of getting past the protection provided to users of Six Apart's paid blogging servce TypePad, with well known blogger Seth Godin being targeted.